Monday, August 30, 2010

rainbows and sunbeams

one of my fondest memories as a kid was playing in a summer rainstorm.

this summer has been ideal for monsoonal down pours.
i want my children to love the summer rain.
so on a rainy day, we take advantage and dance in the rain.
it's a blast!
everything is so bright and beautiful with the sun peaking through the clouds.
we truly capture the magic of the day.

august 2, 2010

august 2, 2010

chase was able to see his first rainbow.
let me just say, he LOVED it!!!

august 27, 2010

he loved shouting at it from the safety of his clubhouse, like a sailor at sea.

and bayli, of course, loves posing for the camera.
this is my favorite time to take pictures of them.

so pretty, even when she is out of focus.

it is also the best opportunity to capture a lovely view of the meeting of the sky with my blue atlas cedars.

and to see a gorgeous sunset graced with sunbeams.

august 27, 2010

Sunday, August 29, 2010

tutu cute

seriously the cutest thing ever.
we love our dancing queen... or king?

the video is hilarious. we haven't had time to edit it so it is long, about 5 min. but every second is worth it.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

let's go racing baby!

when asking bayli if she wanted to play on a soccer team this fall, she replied,

"we could do that, but i would really like to do bike racing or scooter racing!"

needless to say we signed up for soccer, running is healthy.
and we are looking into bike racing.
meanwhile, she is practicing by making laps around our circle.
gettin' pretty fast.

as far as the scooter racing...well, it is way too competitive.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

month 1

Our little Lily is already 4 weeks old, unbelievable how fast they grow and change.

She is loved by everyone, especially big sister Bayli.

Along with her sweet faces, she can make some pretty funny ones.

These two will get along just swell. sweet our Lily grows!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


the count down has ended.
today marks "officially a kindergartner" day.
and boy is she excited!

all morning she was making me quiz her math and spelling skills.
i kept trying to tell her that she probably wouldn't go over those things today (or all year for that matter), yet, she wouldn't back down.
"what if my teacher needs me to read a story?"

when we went to school, she wanted to do everything by herself.
"mom, when do you leave?"

after school she mentioned that her favorite thing was playing on the playground.
already on the right track!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Thursday, August 19, 2010

lucky number 3, in weeks

3 is definitely a lucky number.
she is such a good baby, much easier than #2.
she sleeps well, she eats well, she poops well...

to make 3 even better, she finally gained enough weight to make the doc stop worrying.
in fact, she went above and beyond and is bigger than her birth weight.
8 lbs 8 oz (11 oz in one week!)

we have thought that she has been gracing herself with a little more baby chunk.
jed tells her that her face doesn't look like a wrinkly old lady anymore. something that i never saw in her. i guess it's a man thing???
her cheeks are fuller, her belly is more toadish, and her limbs look closer to being twist-ons.

she is lovely. sweet our Lily grows!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

sweet dreams

a sleeping baby, one of my favorite things.
she is so talented at it, i could watch her all day. sweet our Lily grows!

Sunday, August 15, 2010


the best place to be.

even better with three.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

week 2: check my stats

weight: 7 lb 13 1/2 oz
height: 21 inches
head: 34.3 cm

Not quite back to her weight, but she is growing (90% there).
Weight check next week!

She is just too good of a sleeper and a gassy girl.
We'll work on the gassy, but the sleeper we'll keep!

(note to self: follow husbands advice and do not take a 2 year old to a doctor's appointment for moral support)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

1 week old

She is simply precious. Such an easy going baby.

She gets snuggled by everyone, especially big sister.

She loves chewing on her hands and having wiggle time. She already seems taller.

Trying to catch a glimpse of her pretty eyes. We seem to catch them at terrible moments. She's looking a little creepy. sweet our Lily grows.
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