Over the weekend, Bayli underwent her first Great Backyard Bird Count. GBBC, as non-first-timers refer to it. Props to her Aunt Angie for introducing us to the event.
Bayli committed approximately 20 minutes on Sunday morning to count the birds in our yard. Her results, "WE NEED MORE BIRDS MOM!!! Why aren't the birds that are usually here not coming when it is really important for me to count them?"
I think she counted maybe 6. And they were probably the same 3 House Finches making trips back and forth to our feeder.
As sad as it was, it was pretty entertaining to listen to her chatter about her non-bird-sighting. She finally decided that the birds weren't coming because it was too noisy in our house. Her efforts to quiet down the household were in vain. She came to the conclusion that she needed to make a wildlife viewing tent to hide in.
I wish that we had taken a photo of her make shift wildlife viewing tent
stationed in the middle of our family room with a direct view out the
back windows. It was complete with pillows for seating, drinks, stuffed
animals, and whatever else she managed to hide in it before we started
to get on her case for making a mess.
My favorite part of the event was her Flamingo non-sighting, which went a bit like this:
Bayli: Mom, I see one!!!
Me: What was it?
Bayli: I don't know. It was small and maybe black or brown. I think it was a Flamingo.
(long pause) I mean House Finch.