Monday, August 31, 2009

harvest time

we have loved the yummies in our garden. with a freezer full of peas and beans, it is time to prep the tomatoes and peppers. we canned two batches of tomatoes so far and have devoured bowls of fresh salsa.
the kids have loved playing in the garden. they take mini adventures to hunt for grape tomatoes, bayli's fave. chase just likes to give them a little nibble, squish them, and then throw them. they love when it is picking time, what great little helpers we have.
jed and i had the pleasure of enjoying our one and only plum, so juicy!!! we hope that our peaches decide to ripen soon.

and the winners are...

pepper infatuation? or does he just think that they are balls?


  1. Lisa!! You have to share our salsa recipe. We made our own salsa last week and it was fair to partly cloudy. I have tomatos coming out of my ears that I need to do something fast!! PUH-LEESE can I have your recipe! By the way, your vegetables are looking really great and sassy!! Way to go! -Suzanne

  2. Wow! Great harvest! I am so impressed with you gardening women. I wanted to have one this year, but we were thinking we were moving. Thank goodness for generous neighbors who let us reap what we haven't sown! :)
    Cute pics, too.

  3. Beautiful vegetables and cute kids! What more can you ask for?

  4. Your vegetables look amazing. I wish that I had a garden. May be next year.


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